UniVenture is a five-year, multi-site study that includes undergraduate students at five representatively diverse Canadian university sites. The study is designed to deliver specialized workshops that help students learn and develop useful skills and set long-term goals.
Undergraduate students can participate at any one of our Canadian university sites including Dalhousie, St. Francis Xavier, Montreal, York, and British Columbia Okanagan. The objective is for our participants to learn how to set long-term goals and channel their unique personalities toward achieving those goals.
Please click here to access the source of this information and/or for more information about this current study.

Sometimes, cannabis use can cause problems in an individual's life. Many regular cannabis users want to reduce their use, or stop using cannabis all together. This isn’t an easy task.
CANreduce was created by the ARUD (Center for Addiction Medicine in Zurich) and the ISGF (Swiss Institute for Addiction and Health Research). We adapted this program for use by Canadians. It was a free, 6 week online program with 8 weekly activities that offered support in taking steps to reduce cannabis use.
Please click here to access the source of this information and/or for more information about the CANreduce program.

Alcohol Change Course
The Alcohol Change Course was designed for those who want to quit or cut down on drinking or for those who recently quit and want to maintain their progress, are 18 years of age or older, and are comfortable using the Internet. This free online program includes:​
6 easy-to-understand lessons
8 extra resources on topics such as improving sleep, addressing anger, and improving communication
Online access to informative guides, worksheets, and stories
Please click here to access the source of this information and/or for more information about this current study.​

Take Care of Me
Take Care of Me was a self-directed online treatment program designed to help individuals cope with symptoms of alcohol use and anxiety or depression.
Within 8 weeks, participants were taught strategies and techniques from 12 different modules to help them cope with challenges related to alcohol use, anxiety, or depression.

Lab-Based Research & Other Studies
Our lab-based research utilizes novel experimental paradigms and cutting-edge technology to elucidate explanatory mechanisms involved in substance and behavioural addictions. Some of these studies are conducted in our ecologically valid bar lab with technology that allows for physiological recordings and neuromodulation.
Currently, our other studies are investigating addiction in relation to:
Person-first language
Individual recovery patterns
Coping pathways to substance use disorder (SUD)
In press
Baptist Mohseni, N., Morris, V., Vedelago, L., Kempe, T., Rapinda, K., Mesmer, E., Bilevicius, E., Wardell, J., MacKillop, J., Keough, M.T. (in press). A Longitudinal Approach to Understanding Risk Factors for Problem Alcohol Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
Taguba, K.K., Keough, M.T., Bravo, A.J., & Wardell, J.D. (in press). Measuring impaired control over cannabis use: Initial evaluation of the Impaired Control Scale-Cannabis (ICS-C). Substance Use and Misuse.
Pilatti, A., Klein, N., Mezquita, L., Bravo, A.J., Keough, M.T., Pautassi, R.M. & Cross-cultural Addictions Study Team (in press). Drinking Motives as Mediators of the Relationship of Cultural Orientation with Alcohol Use and Alcohol-related Negative Consequences in College Students from Seven Countries. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
Frohlich, J.R., Rapinda, K.K., Schaub, M.P., Wenger, A., Baumgartner, C., Johnson, E.A., Blankers, M., Ebert, D.D., Hadjistavropoulos, H., Mackenzie, C.S., Wardell, J.D., & Keough, M.T. (accepted, pending minor revisions). Examining Differential Responses to the Take Care of Me Trial: A Latent class and Moderation Analysis. Addictive Behaviors Reports.
Brais, N. J., Setlack, J., Keough, M. T., Johnson, E. A. (in press). Perceived co-worker social support: A protective factor against workplace violence and psychopathologies in paramedics and firefighters. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma.
Pchajek, J., Edgerton, J.D., Sanscartier, M.D., & Keough, M.T. (2022). Exploring the impact of shame and guilt on coping with gambling problems among emerging adult gamblers. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science.
Augsburger, M., Kaal, E., Wenger, A., Blankers, M., Haug, S., Ebert, D.D., Riper, H., Keough, M.T., Noormets, H., Schaub, M.P., & Kilp, K. (2022). Effects of a minimal-guided online intervention for alcohol misuse in Estonia: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Addiction, 117(1), 108-117.
Single, A., Bilevicius, E., Ho, V., Theule, J., Buckner, J.D., Mota, N., & Keough, M.T. (2022). Cannabis Use and Social Anxiety in Emerging Adulthood: A Meta-Analysis. Addictive Behaviours, 129, 107275.
Bernusky, H.C., Rapinda, K.K, Single, A., Bilevicius, E., Foot, M., Ellery, M., Keough, M.T., & Johnson, E.A. (2022). Examining Subtypes of Emerging Adult Situational Drinking: A Replication and Extension Study. Substance Use and Misuse, 57(1), 96-104.
Vedelago, L., Wardell, J.D., Kempe, T., Patel, H., Baptist-Mohseni, N., Amlung, M., MacKillop, J., & Keough, M.T. (2022). Getting high to cope with COVID-19: Modelling the associations between cannabis demand, coping motives, and cannabis use and problems. Addictive Behaviors, 124, 1-7.
Please click here to download Dr. Keough's CV and learn more about his work!